The beginning...


My story began with misery. It was my son's first birthday and I remember feeling miserable. As I dig deeper on the cause of my misery, it was like opening the pandora's box. 

I had fallen into this phase of motherhood where I was constantly placing the oxygen mask on my kid before placing it on myself. I felt bitterness and resentment slowly build their strongholds around my heart. 

Something inside me, maybe my higher self, didn't want the misery to win. I loved being a mom to my child. I wanted to enjoy it. So, I began taking care of myself. 

My journey began with movement. I cannot go back in time and help my 33-year-old self, but I can help women like her. The exhausted, unseen, women among us. The women who hear that tiny whisper of voice as she closes her eyes at night, "there has to be more." 

 If you are ready to be your own unicorn, let's talk. 

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Register for a 5 week coaching program for a special price of $1,500, limited offer. 


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"Fills my heart with extreme gratitude to have Sajna in my life! She has helped me better myself with small steps each day by introducing me to meditation. Her ability to listen without being judgmental and the ease with which she analyzes and translates each situation into an opportunity is something I would want to cultivate in myself."



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